Believe it or not this question isn’t about measuring your loyalty to the company. Not many interviewers would be surprised to know that someone who won $10 million would stop working. But reassuring them that it wouldn’t be a quick departure – thus hurtful to the company – makes for a good answer.
“Frankly, I’d stop working for a while. But I wouldn’t leave you in the lurch. I’d let you know I’m taking a hiatus, and help find and train a replacement.”
The question is designed to delve into your character, to determine if you’re generous, wise, or if the only thing on your mind is a wild spending spree. The practical approach addresses this well.
“The chances of winning the lottery are very slim, less than the chances of getting hit by lightning. I’m creating a stable financial future for myself with hard work at a good career, along with wise financial planning including frugal spending and a lot of saving. That’s how I’ll build my own jackpot.”
Another approach is to mention strong financial planning.
“Believe it or not I’d keep working. I’d see a financial planner about making that money work for me in a number of ways. It would put an end to financial worries, having that to fall back on, but as a supplement to my income. I want to keep busy in my career.”
Other strong answers include:
“I have a lot of younger nephews and nieces, so I’d put some into trusts for their educations, give some to charity, and the rest would go into funds for my children’s’ educations. Of course I’d keep a bit for myself, save it for a rainy day.”
“I think I’d invest in this company, I not only want to work here, I’d love to be involved financially too – your company really excites me.”
“Aside from saving some and donating some, I’d use some for a trip around the world. I’ve always wanted to see all those other sights and cultures I haven’t been able to see.”
Honesty is the best policy, so if priority #1 would be a spending spree, at least spin it in a positive way.
“Of course I’d buy a new house, a new car, new clothes, not only for myself but provide some necessities to people in need.”
One applicant’s answer exposed him as a life long pessimist. “I’d check the ticket again, surely I mis-read the numbers, because I never win anything.”