In every type of job, no matter whether it is an entry level position, a supervisory position or what type of industry it is in, there is always the chance that the job or the company that you work for will experience a change in needs. This can often happen as a result of the economy or simply as a natural result of changes or advances within that technology. This is something that you simply will not be able to escape from. As a result, it is important for employers to know that if they should hire you for that job that you will be able to redefine your own duties in order to meet the evolving needs of the company.
Ideally, it would be best if you can describe a situation in the past where this has happened and you have been able to redefine your prior position in order to meet those changing needs. You may need to give it some careful thought but there is a good chance that you can think back on a situation in which this has occurred in your past employment .
The last thing that you want to say when responding to this type of interview question is that you have never had a situation like that happen in the past. This type of response indicates that you do not have a good understanding of the way in which modern companies are structured and are continually needing to redefine their image in order to survive in a global marketplace. In your response you absolutely must indicate that you have a strong understanding of this phenomenon and also that you are able to help by taking concrete steps to ensure that you are as productive as possible while also benefiting the company that you work for in the best manner possible.
Although this can seem as though it is a philosophical type question, it truly is pertinent in today’s business world so you would be wise to give some careful thought and consideration regarding how you plan to respond to this question if it should be asked of you during an interview in the future. Doing so can give show employers that you are proactive and also provide you with a good edge over the competition.